22 Dec 2024 12:08:27
I do agree that Juric isn't the man for the job and that we all will be calling for his head however your thoughts on keeping RM is just confusing. We are on track to be the worst premier league team in history due to the stats. RM staying would've 100% lead us to beating derbys record and yay 2 totally amazing records to hold as a team. 1. Losing 9-0 (twice) 2. Lowest points in a premier league season
I do agree however Juric is going to suck at managing us and the board just wanted a cheap management but our board sucks. It should've been down to:
Big Sam
I saw maybe 1 article about juric but I guess they were right.
Praying Juric has a turnover and does manage us well
1.) 22 Dec 2024
22 Dec 2024 21:41:47
My mentality was always with this board and how they approach things. I'm a solid believer that everything occurs at the highest level.
The board broke to supporter pressure early doors when they were new to this club with fans wanting Ralph out, ironically where all this messed started. I knew then this board were weak with choices. Ralph was a solid builder, signed some best emerging talent of our post Porch/Koeman era. They had no one decent lined up to replace him but made a list nonetheless. Ivan Juric was actually second on that list, Nathan Jones was above him.
My point about RM is yes he's bad (at times) but there was always times things could have turned around. Then once we got to the point of no return I decided to stick with him again, not necessarily because he would save us from relegation but because I believe he WOULD get us promoted. I don't believe we are safe now and I think our board will arse about again with the next appointment in the championship, but by that time promotion will have passed us by because I don't think Juric has the minerals to mix it up in different leagues and it will be too late before the board realize that.
My thinking was towards 2026/27. If the board wanted to be a serious one they would use RM for his strengths (the championship) and get rid of him when gets us back where we needed (the Premiership) spending that whole year analyzing and scouting the right man, just like the cortese board did.
2.) 23 Dec 2024
23 Dec 2024 14:59:38
I agree with you the board have a lot to answer for. I think most people agree with your points.
3.) 23 Dec 2024
23 Dec 2024 17:38:28
You know what Leslee,
As much as I didn't agree with your other posts I kinda agree with you here I genuinely believe everyone since the club sacked Ralph things have been dire and I believe Ralph never should've been sacked yes he lost 9-0 twice however he always managed to rescue us out of the championship if you were going to sack him it should've been at the end of that season
And the team Ralph had was solid and could beat the team we have now. However I understand keeping RM would've been good for the championship however I think the board is trying a hail Mary to lose that title of lowest points in premier league history and trying to get us out of relegation as RM was sticking to his guns on a style of play which wasn't working. In my eyes he had to go for this reason also which you may disagree with but I do believe in miracles and could see us out.
However, even since we sacked Ralph we've been singing managers that clearly ain't capable of rescuing us from relegation fights.
A key example being Nathan Jones.
We were linked to a couple of good managers and out comes to club to say we've signed someone from the championship. It worked with RM because we were in the championship and now it's not working in the premier league.
We needed a premier league manager and they are solid managers that we could've signed instead of juric. Even more capable managers that have a track record of helping improve teams. However, we chose a manager that's been sacked 3 times by the same club. I think the board are the people to blame for the clubs downfall. We might've thought SR will fix the club because Gao did barely anything but I think SR will be just as bad as SR sure we have more money in the transfer market but we haven't really utilised it well have we.
It's going to be tough times ahead and a long way to return Southampton back to a regular premier league club let alone return Southampton to it's 2016 glory.
If we look at Brighton right now look how good they are now and they were on the same level if not lower a few years back. The board has to be there and a solid manager none of which we have at this point.
4.) 23 Dec 2024
23 Dec 2024 17:59:28
I do apologise for any spelling errors I've been writing this on a phone and I've got fat thumbs. ?
5.) 23 Dec 2024
23 Dec 2024 19:48:58
Incredibly, I also found a hint of sanity in Lesleee’s most recent post - perhaps like Christmas, it comes once a year!
However, the logic in keeping RM on the basis that he will get us relegated and then bounce us back from the Championship is so seriously flawed, it’s laughable.
Setting up a team to fail is just crazy - what impact on players, fans, not to mention financial risk and reputation.
Whatever way you slice it, the only option to take over RM should have been a PL manager. What chance the new man will not add another sack to his growing collection before Easter?
Actually, I don’t think the Board know whether it’s Christmas or Easter!
6.) 25 Dec 2024
24 Dec 2024 22:01:57
It must be Christmas if people are agreeing with me, even slightly lol.
With RM I could see the joke he was, but he has some me things on his side. Age for one .there's always a slim chance he would learn/adapt. People like Moyes, alladyce, Mourinho.names all people were throwing in the ring are old dogs. Sure they've got it experience to maybe save us but they haven't got what it takes to evolve/merge into what today's football is turning into. It's why they keep getting sacked and why the same fans asking for them would be calling for their sack a year later.
The other thing RM is pretty much guaranteed promotion. I know we rode out luck the first time. But the experience of getting it done the first time and the battle hardened experience of the premiere league would have helped him.
We don't have any guarantees now as far as I can see. Although I will put my hand up for one exception/unknown quantity.and that is wether Juric can bring Bella-kotcha into the fold and getting him playing at his best. Him on form and Ramsdale does make for a half decent defense.