29 Dec 2024 23:35:45
2 games to pick up 5 points BigRedArmy

& Millertime, your ready to call it on that Notts Forrest bet yet ?

1.) 30 Dec 2024
30 Dec 2024 11:52:04
It hurts me to say it, but yes, Forest have indeed done well - very well in fact.

However Lesleee, don’t forget, the discussion was about the JWP impact. You said Forest would do well because of him. I doubted that.

I haven’t done the stats yet (I’m sure you will) but he hasn’t had a lot of game time. He’s not a regular starter.

Forest are flying but how much if that is down to JWP is arguable - let’s wait to the end of the season.

I’m going to the away game ar Forest on 19 Jan so be sure to read my JWP assessment (if he gets a game) .

2.) 30 Dec 2024
30 Dec 2024 15:48:33
No no no Leslee my friend, the 5 points in 4 games comment was to start after your educated evaluation as to how long the managerial bounce will be (just to be fair) . You said 2 games I believe? So I think it should start from now, at the risk of back tracking of corse, but I think this is the fairest way to do it. Also I’m not saying your managerial bounce comments are wrong, I think we have played a lot better. The results will come, trust me .

3.) 30 Dec 2024
30 Dec 2024 23:17:13
Yea I'll give you that red. My actual post was going to start along the lines of Brentford being true start of the test for Juric. Managerial bounce (whether you believe it's a thing ect) should be gone by then and he's had enough time and games to get to grip with what he wants, how to play and what we can expect from him. I think (even though Brentford are a decent team) if the Juric switch was meant as force for positive change we're aloud to hope for a win and at the least, expect a draw. Anything less and you have to start questioning the change .but as you were BigRedArmy .5 points from the next for games to see if he/there is any actual change/points on the board.

You have a good memory Miller. Yea it was largely down to JWP. My thinking was that whilst many don't like him and see him as one dimensional, I was looking at our team and seeing what he has to offer and when I looked I saw his dead ball delivery as a standout amongst our average players. We have little to no goal threat and it has shown in our lack of goals, arguably you could say with JWP we would have had at least one potential outlet. Factor that in with the tallest player in the Premier league and you see my reasoning for bringing him back. True Forrest have not used/needed him but it's the fact that they signed him, whilst none others did that made me think they were going to finish high. Its shrewd thinking to have a clinical dead ball specialist amongst your ranks and if your team is able to cover the pitfalls that JWP lacks then your are rewarded with some magical/game breaking moments. A bit like Le Tiss. I don't think I ever saw him back track .but then again, he also did things that others couldn't. Not that I'm comparing the two, but it's finding the balance ⚖️