04 Jan 2025 22:36:55
I'm over here sipping from my "Can't get any worse glass"
Cheers ????
1.) 06 Jan 2025
06 Jan 2025 07:54:32
I wouldn't say it had got worse but it may not be any better at present. But at least Juric calls it how we all see it and doesn't come out with delusional comments after a loss like that. With the players at his disposal at the weekend this was the probably outcome.
2.) 06 Jan 2025
06 Jan 2025 12:05:59
I'm talking long term Saint Kenny and the fact that so many people here thought the sacking of RM was going to change anything.
I would have been onboard with you all if I wasn't sure that the replacement was going to be an Ivan Juric type and that's exactly what we got.
With one or two exceptions we had pretty much our first team playing.
The Brentford game was a fair enough point to start judging him on his solo managerial merits. You could argue that the first couple of games the managerial bounce/old habits/not enough time with team were factors ect. But by the Brentford game and with it being a home game I think we had warrant to hope/expect a draw, possibly even hope for a win.
That's if this change was made for any positive change. If there is zero change then you have to ask what was the change for. Fans will slowly come to the realization that we're in the championship next season, then you have to ask yourself is Ivan Juric the man you want to get you through it, for me no. I think the board will take the majority of the championship season to realize it, until they appoint the next guy which by that point means we're finish mid table at best.
This was the method in my perceived madness from you all. I wanted RM to succeed, sure and with a few additions here and there I think he might have. Then when the writing was on the wall I was sticking with him because of the likewise replacement. RM would get us promoted from the championship, of that I'm sure. Experience, time with the players and club, what worked what didn't ect.
In my opinion the club should have stuck with him through relegation and spent the time in the championship looking for the right Premier league manager to replace him when we got promoted.
3.) 06 Jan 2025
06 Jan 2025 20:40:53
Lesleee your post is making a huge assumption that RM would have 100% of achieved promotion. How can you make such a guarantee? We had the squad to finish top 2 and if not for injuries forcing his hand, we may not have.
Things are not any worse and at least it is refreshing for the manager to not blame players, fans, var decisions etc.
What ever the answer is, it is not and was not RM
4.) 06 Jan 2025
06 Jan 2025 22:10:19
It's assumptions based on facts . evidence based assumptions, which aren't really assumptions backed up in such a way.
We currently have a manager who was sacked by the SAME club THREE times and everything we've seen so far is testament to that.
I never quoted RM as being a good premier league manager, I hoped with youth on his side he would adapt and grow, alas that's a different story. However managers and players have strengths and weaknesses.
Take Adam Armstrong for example, completely useless in the premier league yet any championship team would bite your hand off for him. Frank Lampard and Gerrard ect .useless as premier league managers, but have enough about them to manage a team in the lesser leagues.
We rolled the dice sacking RM but it should never have been a dice roll. It should have been a clear thought out choice for who we need. I knew that would happen (our board keep doing it) so keeping RM for the championship only would have been an astute bit of business.
The players that underperformed this season would have played better under him next season. His whole transfer policy is around knowing decent championship/English players. I think he's on his element in the championship and we could have/should have taken advantage of that and then sacked him when we got promoted again
5.) 07 Jan 2025
07 Jan 2025 16:03:01
Couldn’t agree less that RM would have got us promoted, and if he did why would he 2nd time around change his failing style?
I agree RM should have either stayed until the end of the season, or been replaced by the manager we wanted to bring them straight back up and grow in the PL. it was all left too late for survival.
And to say the Brentford game was when Juric should have it all figured out is madness! We have all seen the standard of the team and the mentality that seems to be throughout, they are all in a looser mindset, you don’t just break this level of poor immediately. He needs time and a couple of new faces, I imagine he hoped bringing some in from the cold would help, but they are serial underperformers too. We are never going to stay up, 12 points should be the target to reduce the laughing.
Next season, let’s see, maybe Juric will want a bite at the championship?
6.) 07 Jan 2025
07 Jan 2025 22:57:33
Th3medic you point to the larger problem that was there all along, External factors.
Only when a manager is sacked and the same problems persist under the new manager do fans see it.
A new coach is supposed to be a force for change, otherwise what was the point in changing. If he loses every game between now at the end of the season, what exactly was the point in him. Exactly how many games to you give him until he's supposed to have had any influence on our team? Man utd will be his 4th proper game with us (an FA cup game is pointless, win lose or draw it gives fans false hope) .
Nothing I've seen of Juric shows me he has any managerial qualities, I don't see how he is a coach let alone succeed in the championship.
By the time fans and the board realize that, promotion will have slipped by.
Ill bite my tongue for now but I guarantee you that at least one amongst the people in here next year will say something along the lines of "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually wish RM was still here as at least we'd be battling for promotion"
Wait and see.
7.) 08 Jan 2025
08 Jan 2025 14:15:34
Not from me you won’t Lesleee!
Like you, I do not, and never did feel Judic was the answer. He has no stature or presence about him and he cuts a ridiculous figure on the touchline.
How he got through an interview process is baffling.
However, and please pay attention Lesleee, you cannot use this as a means of annulling the anti RM position most of us hold.
They are both useless, but in different ways. As fans, we deserved a proper managerial appointment - not more of the same.
8.) 08 Jan 2025
08 Jan 2025 21:08:51
Please do start biting your tongue, I think we all would enjoy that. You talk about external factors as if you’re the only one who recognises them! I have read many threads already about these issues, please stop pretending to be the messiah with future vision, it doesn’t suit.
9.) 08 Jan 2025
08 Jan 2025 23:08:48
So based on your logic, assumptions based on evidence…. Luton were correct to keep their manager as they will be promoted this season, because he done it last time. I believe Luton are 5th bottom, facing relegation again.
Might need to re think that one
10.) 09 Jan 2025
09 Jan 2025 17:51:10
Lesleeee did you ever appear topless in top shelf mags? Your love for RM is blind.
He was a stubborn manager, whose opinion of himself and his way, far exceeded his footballing brain.
Go look at his managerial position stats from all clubs.
He makes a one trick pony look like a show jumper.
Tactically inept and a very unpleasant character.
Anyway, I actually thought we might beat Brentford.
While he may nit be the man for the future, he has stopped the nonsense football we were playing.
A new manger does not normally have to eradicate an entire style of play and start again.
I hope he gets the results .