13 May 2023 17:35:55
Goodbye premier league football. In general I'm an optimistic person so I'd like to say see you again in a year but unfortunately I can't see that happening . Obviously we're going to lose over half of our first team squad so we'll need a manager with experience of championship football to bring in players who will scrap for every point. Maybe we can rebuild and get back to playing fast paced exciting football but I think that we are destined to spend a few years away from the premier league.

1.) 15 May 2023
15 May 2023 12:29:17
Most punters.are right to expect a mass exodus of Players and Coaching Staff.Personally I would keep Bazunu (considering his Youth and Championship football would be an ideal platform for him to further his experience) and sweep the remainder out of the door with the exception of those being sold.My retention list would include;Edozie;Livramento, Tella, Smallbone, Mara, Larios Alcaraz (with Adams, Adam Armstrong and Lyanco as maybe’s) plus all academy prospects and top up with carefully selected quality imports.I recently suggested Manager Jon Dahl Tomasson as first choice and would add 2nd Russell Martin (Swansea City and 3rd.Steven Schumacher (Plymouth Argyle) both of whom appear to be of interest to SFC.A bit of a step down from my previous suggestion recommending Unai Emery to replace Ralph HASSENHUTTL.However ‘horses for courses’ I’m sure that all three of these young Managers are already firmly on the road to successful careers with potentially exciting times ahead!

2.) 24 May 2023
24 May 2023 05:48:18
Should Russell Martin become Saints next Manager I believe we could experience an exciting turnaround in our Club’s fortunes (something I would never have contemplated a few weeks ago)! After all Swansea City have a recent impeccable track record for ‘unearthing’ “top Managers” including (Brendan Rodgers, Graham Potter and Steve Cooper) .RM’s knowledge, temperament and ‘man management’ skills are widely admired and backed by his own Coaching Team and hand picked Swansea City players who would undoubtably help introduce R M’s preferred playing formation/system a more seamless transition.With respect to our existing Players Ward-Prowse, Lavia, Alcaraz, Bednarek (Adams? ) we appreciate their service to the Club along. with all other mediocrities who have performed this season it is time to pack up your old kit bags and move on! Whilst it remains open regarding new signings I have suggested a Championship Saints side assuming Russell Martin is at the helm and utilising 3 of his Swansea Players. Bazumu/? Livramento (Ryan Manning) /larios Lyanco? (Matt Grimes) Smallbone Diallo Sulemana Tella/ Edozie. (Joel Piroe) /. Adam Armstrong/Che Adams. To suit R M’s 4:1 :4:1 system.

3.) 25 May 2023
25 May 2023 11:09:39
And don’t forget Ballard and a couple of others from B team now in Prem division 1

4.) 25 May 2023
25 May 2023 15:10:02
Excellent insightful post. It is reassuring to hear some positive feedback about RM.

We have lacked a killer instinct all season, so a vegan Buddhist manager did not inspire much hope initially!

I am wary about his underwhelming mid table finshes, especially as Swansea made the playoffs before but I do see 3 positives.

1. 7 wins from 9 in their last games. Has he found the key to win in the Championship?

2. Swansea's striker looks impressive at this level. Maybe RM could persuade him to join us.

3. His possession football may appeal to top PL managers looking to send their fringe and young players out on loan to teams with a similar style, so we could get some talent.

The jury is out. Let's see where we are 10 games in.

5.) 26 May 2023
26 May 2023 00:20:04
WELL DONE to ALL FELLOW POSTERS this Season whatever your views.I do hope Ruben Sellars gets a deserved good ovation on Sunday as he took on a challenge many would have ducked away from and gave it his best shot (despite his tactical shortcomings) a stellar bloke all the same.MILLERTIME,! If you are in contact we miss your valuable contrribution and whilst we are all gutted and disappointed at the end result hope you.will join us next season in our revamped assault on the CHAMPIONSHIP. REGARDS TO ALL! (not forgetting south hants rich) from DOWN UNDER!