29 Mar 2024 17:43:15
20 days have passed since our last game (and my last post).

The same old story. Failure to take chances/put game to bed. And then the late goal conceded.

Adams reminded me of his miss against Wolves with 2 lost chances.

Again, what is the point of Sulemana?

We have clearly addressed nothing on the training field in the absence of games.

Last minute of game and we are still passing backwards.

Automatic promotion was looking like a dream but now not even that.

Oh dear - RM - what have you done?

1.) 29 Mar 2024
29 Mar 2024 18:52:30
It’s Martins way or no way .
stubborn and inflexible .
It’s not even exciting to watch anymore …
The opponents are changing their tactics against us, being clever when to and not to press. They are definitely not overcommitting as they know we will mess round with it and then play out …

Opponents have also stopped chasing us around to try and win the ball, because they know that all we will do is make some sideways or pointless pass.

I didn’t even bother watching the game … it’s been a very long time since I felt that

2.) 30 Mar 2024
30 Mar 2024 02:48:55
After all of our Manager’s hot air has evaporated congratulations are in order to Michael Carrick after salvaging an away point with 11 players unavailable through injuries.I wrest my case Your Honour!

3.) 30 Mar 2024
30 Mar 2024 06:55:11
RM’s Epitaph .
Possession football DOES win matches