03 Oct 2023 21:59:35
Much like Leeds, unconvincing, fortunate, but a win.

A few good changes - funny how playing our two most creative players makes us that much better a side, a clean sheet! And good to see a few occasions where we were being pressed in our own third, and Bazunu/Bednarek just booted it away rather than risk getting intercepted 20 yards out.

Better. Not brilliant, but we found a way to win and are level on points with fourth place all of a sudden.

Not everyone can do it on a mild Tuesday night in Stoke!

1.) 03 Oct 2023
03 Oct 2023 23:26:16
When you have players in your team that can attack, especially at speed . subconsciously it keeps the opponents much more on the back foot.
It’s been a very long time since opponents feared us.
we need those days back again .
plus when necessary, hoof it up the pitch!
Well done saints

2.) 04 Oct 2023
04 Oct 2023 06:46:06
Who would have thought it? Playing your best players, in their best position, scaring teams with pace, and playing it long out of danger and we actually win a couple!

Be interesting to see how we do against Preston and Hull, those games will be a better barometer of how far we have come.

A super computer has us finishing 5th. The dreamer in me says:

6th after 15 games
5th after 20
4th after 30
3rd after 40
Then we beat Leeds on the final day to get promoted in second.

I am sure reality will wake me up soon!

3.) 04 Oct 2023
04 Oct 2023 08:34:28
Pace is the way to keep opponents on the back foot. Still think RM is holding back Sulemana and playing Alcaraz in the wrong position, he’s not a centre forward. When Stewart is fit Alcaraz Adams and Mara are destined to be bench warmers, likely one it 2 will leave in January. Two things concern me, if RM decides to fully return to possession only football after 2 wins and the woeful form of Manning. He looked really good for Swansea but has been consistently awful in a Saints shirt.

4.) 04 Oct 2023
04 Oct 2023 09:31:09
That's true.

@2408 How would you switch things up to get Alcaraz playing his best?

Downes or Charles as CDM
Stu as CM and Alacaraz as a CAM?

Or another combination of formation change?

A front 3 of Sulemana, Stewart and AA should be pretty lethal.

It is frustrating. If we had kept Perraud and not had our 4 game shocker with RM tactics, we should be looking at 2nd or 3rd, now probably 4th or 5th.

We need to beat the teams around us, something we have not done for 2 years.

5.) 04 Oct 2023
04 Oct 2023 13:48:58
If you play the front 3 you quite correctly suggested there is only room for 1 creative midfielder. Stu is an excellent player at this level and doesn’t lose the ball as much as Alcaraz. We are going to need a strong squad as the season progresses. Personally, I would play KWP on the left and Bree on the right. Bree is very experienced at this level and does not give the ball away plus is good in the air when defending deep far post crosses. As for Manning, I’m shocked how quickly he has deteriorated in form, maybe a spell on the bench or u21s may help him focus again.

6.) 04 Oct 2023
04 Oct 2023 17:01:03
Back to back wins changes the hearts but not the minds. We feel better - sure, but have the demons gone away?

I don’t think so - post match RM talking about ‘total football’ which I interpreted as total b***cks.

He spoke about the players trying to run before they could walk - HELLO, most of our problems have been caused by players not running - ambling from side to side - 3 or 4 yard balls to safety. Trouble with that is - many couldn’t find a player in the same coloured shirt.

Even Stu (brilliant free kick) was awful at picking a pass last night (watch it back if you don’t believe me) .

Good for Bazuna - clean sheet - just about. But he’s learning his trade and will be prone to throwing one in the back of the net most games. His distribution is much better when he gets it upfield.

But the weaknesses are still too apparent - Downes and Smallbone are light weights and just not good enough at this level. What does Wilson bring to the bench?

And as for commitment, the last word must go to the travelling fans some of whom it seems sold their shirts to pay for the rail fare!

7.) 04 Oct 2023
04 Oct 2023 19:31:58
Yes this makes sense. So Stu starting and Alcaraz as a super sub to get the midfield balance right.

I agree with you on Bree and KWP. Manning and Holgate have been failed experiments so Bree deserves his chance, especially with the Larios setback.

8.) 05 Oct 2023
05 Oct 2023 13:42:39
I think that what is great to see is that Stuey is finally getting the recognition he deserves. Always enjoyed him being in the team, always looking up, looking for the run, chasing back.
Martin is still worrying me with his rhetoric, it’s obvious he’s struggling with the idea that his way is wrong. Knowing his history with Swansea, each game will be a fingers crossed he’s abandoned it, because he sure didn’t change at Swansea : but then the difference is, he is expected to do well with our squad.

As 2408 pointed out, with regards to Manning,
he is simply not good enough. It’s the basics of football he’s getting wrong?
His positional sense, man marking/tracking is awful .
Meanwhile Perraud on loan .
KWP left back and Bree right back (as per 2408) is a must! But dropping Manning is admitting that he made a mistake, and that does not tie in with his beliefs .

9.) 06 Oct 2023
06 Oct 2023 08:15:18
Now I understand why RM does not like Bree. he is a vegan! Haha

Sorry that was terrible!

I suspect RM knows he has made some mitskes and I am sure someone is keeping tabs on fans comments and briefing him.

His style is not to admit he is wrong, maybe he feels fans or players would lose trust in him, if he openly admitted it.

There have been signs of change that I am grateful for e.g. using more pace, playing it long out of danger and featuring Sulemana.

Seems we are 2 or 3 changes away from what most of us think is the best team available now.

1. Manning out and Bree in
2. Adams for Alcaraz as CF, with him coming on when Stu tires as CAM
3. Maybe Charles in and Smallbone or Downes out for some.

Would that be a fair reflection?