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28 Jun 2024 22:19:06
Tell me this isn't true - PLEASE

Walker-Peters to West Ham in exchange for Downes.

As much as I rate Downes, this would be a disaster for us. KWP has often been our most attacking minded player, bar none.

Ings might be in the mix too, and I would love to see him back, but not at the expense of KWP.

He has to be worth north of £60M.

As I say, hopefully this is just conjecture generated during the non-Euro lay down.


1.) 29 Jun 2024 08:27:55
I fear it could be.

KWP has 1 year left on his contract and Saints may be wanting to avoid another Adams situation. I really hoped KWP would stay. He is a great player and has been very loyal.

We urgently need some wing backs and disappointed to see Ben Johnson go to Ipswich.

2.) 08 Jul 2024 15:53:33
Apparently Danny Ings has turned down the chance of returning to Saints



22 Apr 2024 21:36:41
The newest cliche in footballing parlance from pundits, reporters and the like is, "they find a way" which generally describes how the best teams come up trumps in the face of adversity.

Then there's us - the other side of the coin - "we find a way not to win".

How we didn't beat Cardiff defies belief - how we snatched draws from winning positions all season long also defies belief.

Simply put, we're masters at finding a way not to win football matches.

And why is that? As I've said many a time - we lack that winning mentality. When it comes to the play-offs I would fancy us to beat Norwich over two legs, but the others would batter us.

I don't like to admit it, but West Brom are the team which have the physical and mental strength to overcome possession football.

RM - you have much to answer for.




30 Jan 2024 20:45:30
So, Brooks done which begs the 6 million dollar question - what would the strongest team be in your view.

I've no fixed view but probably:


KWP. THB. Bednerek Manning?

Brooks. Smallbone. Armstrong Frazer

Armstrong Adams

That may be a bit light in midfield in which case I would bring in Alcaraz or Downes for Adams.

Left back is where we're short.

Any better line-ups?


1.) 31 Jan 2024 08:28:50
Alcaraz off to Juve. Total madness ?

2.) 31 Jan 2024 13:05:21
Downes is literally our best player - it's madness you haven't selected him. As it stands, our best 11 is.

KWP. THB. Bendarek. Manning
Brooks A.Armstrong Fraser

3.) 31 Jan 2024 13:53:26
Be more than happy with that team!

4.) 31 Jan 2024 13:55:43
The point is, earlier on in the season I didn’t have a clue what our strongest team looked like but now I suspect most of us would agree on 9 or 10 of the starting line up.

That is a good thing!



01 Jan 2024 17:15:39
On the way back from Norwich and I think today's performance vindicated all of us who doubt the merit of possession football.

Once again, we had the lion's share of the possession, countless corners but very little end product. Truth be told, it was Norwich who looked more likely to win when they drew level and we were bang out of ideas. They created chances on the break and cut through us with relative ease.

No stand out players today - all 6/10.

On the plus side, Ipswich failed to beat 10 man Stoke so we didn't lose ground. And the run continues .


1.) 01 Jan 2024 21:42:00
Millertime .
This can be broken down very simply.
Playing Stephens at right back didn’t work last time.
Is Stephen a right back - NO
Is KWP a better right back than Stephens - YES
Is KWP a better right midfield/wing than players on the bench - NO
Is KWP as effective playing higher up - NO

Mr Martin - stop being clever and messing around with player positions .

Mr Martin - another load of rhetoric from
You about should have won - well it’s simple, get the ball up the pitch QUICKER

2.) 02 Jan 2024 09:02:39
Completely agree with both comments.

Seems RM has fallen into the trap of trying to put all the best players on the pitch, even in their secondary positions. It may make some key players happy that they are not on the bench but not something to be playing around with, especially Mid season.

Also gives me a concern SR are considering selling KWP, so are trying Stephens in his position and then will get a replacement winger. This could cost us promotion, we need to keep our PL players.

While recent results have been positive, progress is needed. Thumping a team's B side with their head not in the game over the holidays is one thing, winning when teams are fighting for every point in the last 10 games will be something else.

We have Leicester, Ipswich and Leeds away in the final 20 games. Ipswich and Leeds have already played twice, so they have an advantage. The table going to be very close. We need to have our best players in their best position moving the ball forward with purpose to get promotion.

3.) 02 Jan 2024 12:23:32
I disagree with KWP comment, I'd argue he's better as an attacking winger then he is a defender .at the least he's best in both positions. It's his pace and agility that ables him to get up the pitch but also get back, track and close down players and he's shown time and time again that he's willing to that roll no matter how far up the pitch he plays .so why wouldn't you play in further up?

In relation to other wingers I wouldn't say we have any natural wingers like KWP. Fraser and Sulamana aren't as good on the wing. Fraser isn't as fast and Sulamana although fast hasn't got the consistency KWP has. KWP also has the ability to cut inside and score with the best of them.

So all in all, saying KWP is not effective higher up the pitch is complete bonkers. He's one of our main threats that actually looks to move the ball forward and direct to goal. Sure he's a decent full back/defender but he's an even better winger.

4.) 02 Jan 2024 22:39:20
You do somewhat read into posts!
I am not saying he is not influential further up the pitch. he is superb further up the pitch!
He is very influential, very quick, superb at getting to the bye line .
that is something we have enjoyed for seasons FROM a defensive position!
When he plays at the back, we benefit from his excellent defence qualities and his attacking qualities.

Moving him further forward means we lose his superb defensive capabilities.
The beauty of him playing at the back is he can turn defence into attack in one moment .
Stephens is not in the same league as kwp when it comes to being a wing back.
Kwp can turn an opponents attack into a saints attack in one moment.
Stephens is an ok CB and an ok defender.

We are trying to get promotion, we need to be dynamic, fast, unpredictable .
if you think playing stephens at right back makes us a better side, then you don’t know the game.
The modern day right back is a fast flowing, dynamic, skilful player . Stephens is none of that!

Kwp right back combining with Stuey, Mara, Fraser etc is a superb combination …
To suggest kwp is much better than Fraser on the wing . is bizarre . have you watched Fraser play on the wing . not only is he superb, his crossing ability is superb .
I’ll leave it there .
Stephens is not a modern right back.
He is knowing a quick enough, agile enough, or clever enough to be a right back

5.) 03 Jan 2024 20:57:11
I never said anything about Stephen's, your point was is KWP bett up the pitch .you said no.

Just because the modern game is more fast "pep-esque" demand more from players in certain positions doesn't mean certain players can't play in places. I agree Stephens isn't a great right back, but I've got nothing against mixing it up . because KWP from day one has always been an attacking full back, not a defensive one .so to argue his defensive attributes are better than his forward play is bizarre. Fraser is ok on the wing, but I'll think your find he's more suited to a Stuey Armstrong roll, attacking midfielder.



19 Sep 2023 22:19:04
No more excuses, no more hand wringing - wake up and smell the coffee.

We are a League 1 outfit in terms of personnel, leadership and management.

Tonight was pathetic - worse than pathetic. Clueless, rudderless and hopeless.

Change the manager now - send the squad to a Royal Marine boot camp and inject some serious bottle.

As fans we are too accepting of the so called Southampton way - it works until it doesn't.

Call out the lack of effort, courage and commitment - and don't search for excuse.

That egotistical idiot (RM) is in the same bracket as Jones. He must go now.


1.) 20 Sep 2023 07:35:07
Never thought I would say this but Neil Warnock has his last game in charge of Huddersfield tonight, and has says he's not retiring yet. He ticks all the boxes you have mentioned.

2.) 20 Sep 2023 08:33:36
Ipswich should have scored 3 goals before halftime! Their goalkeeper made 1 decent save all game, we were at home! 3 things to say: if our players were so poor why have other clubs clambered to sign so many. If the players we brought in are so poor why do they have international caps and high market values. The only common denominator is the arrival of SR and the sudden serious demise of the clubs standing. RM has been found out after 3 games, if we play to the strengths of the squad we will be there or thereabouts but bizarrely it appears that is not what SR seem to want.

3.) 20 Sep 2023 10:04:32
I felt the same last season, that SR were wanting us relegated. We were buying players but not playing them.
The absolute waffle that comes out of Martins mouth is incredible. going on about last season and how much it was affecting the players.
No . you’re wanting them to play a style of football they are not accustomed to, they enjoy playing, that is working.
You’ve been found out .
At a mid-table team fair enough, you win some and lose sum, so your awful tactics are lost in the noise.
But we are a team that should be pushing for promotion.
This has to end, Martin absolutely sees nothing wrong in his tactics and is blaming it on anything else

4.) 20 Sep 2023 10:06:45
I completely understand your frustration. Getting beaten is one thing but tamely losing with a whimper is another.

I do believe we have a squad worthy of playoffs. The value of our squad on transfermarket and the bettings odds at the end of the transfer window both put us in the top 3.

What we have is a squad not playing to its potential - lacking leadership, lacking confidence and lacking a style of play.

I believe this is fixable but we need to make the changes required.

1. Stop playing out from the back 24/7. Especially for young players, lacking confidence, this is a risk.
2. Protect our back line from counter attacks, e.g. with Charles and Downes as holding midfielders or not pushing too many people forward with slow build ups.
3. THB needs Bednarek or Stephens alongside him.
4. Manning needs to step up or step aside. In time, Larios may take his place. Until then KWP could switch to the left and Stephens, Holgate or Bree could play at RB.
5. Alcaraz, Edozie, Sulemana and Adams could be an exciting front 4 on the break (plus AA, Stu and Stewart), we need to play to their strengths and mix up our play.
6. I understand players are disappointed after last year and not getting moves etc. We need to draw a line, move on and not indulge it. The best way to play in the PL is to get promoted.
7. If we need to get Al Pacino in to give a proper speech, let’s have a whip round!

I expected us to be languishing around 10th after the first 10 games. Saints and RM seem to start slowly but now is the time for a change of plan and attitude.

Over the next sets of ten we should be aiming to move up to 7th, then 5th, then 3rd and be knocking on the door of the top 2 or having the momentum going in to the playoffs.

This should be our goal and it is obtainable IF we make the changes required and players coming back like Larios, Stewart and Sulemena make an impact. Balls in your court RM and SR.

5.) 20 Sep 2023 11:24:25
That moron is white ring on now about scar tissue! We have 9 players in the squad who didn’t play a minute for the club last season… Htf can they have scar tissue! RM really is showing to be dillusional in his after match assessments ?

6.) 20 Sep 2023 13:09:37
First time 2408 I’ve felt you are absolutely seething!

Shame we can’t post links / photos, because the script of his post match interview, was absolute crap. As you said 2408, basically saying our performances have been affected by last season.
He can’t last ., not only is he a clown, his football is dire and predictable, with our best players on the bench.
As for manning . awful!

{Ed033's Note - You can post links and photos on here by pasting in the urls in to the regular posting forms along with your text (i.e. and or pasting in the url location of the photo (i.e.

Also you can upload photos on your device onto here by using the upload form on the Sightings tab at the top of the page

7.) 21 Sep 2023 09:39:23
Please read Wes Burns and Jo Tessems comments that the Southern Echo have now printed. Sums up our playing style, predictably and our fate if things don’t change. I don’t think I can recall an article from a player who has just played against an opposition that mocks a style of play. The article informs all future opponents how to beat us, well done RM!

8.) 21 Sep 2023 08:42:41
Thank you Ed




Millertime!'s banter posts with other poster's replies to Millertime!'s banter posts


28 May 2024 13:53:00
Lallana wants to come home (apparently).

Any thoughts?

Forgetting the manner of his exit - he would probably be worth a 12 month contract to add some PL experience in the dressing room whilst coming off the bench to add a bit of much needed game management.




26 May 2024 18:30:47
Anyone know how we got on?!

Enjoy it guys - I think we all deserve the taste of success for the passion we've shown all season on this forum.

I just can't stop smiling!


1.) 26 May 2024 20:55:00
I didn't expect to beat Leeds, and congratulations to RM and the team for a gutsy performance. Its time to enjoy a brilliant SFC night, of which there have been few in recent years. I hope the recruitment team are on soft drinks tonight, because the job of assembling a premiership squad starts tomorrow. To be clear, though we love our heroes tonight, we have maybe 2 or 3 who are at the level we need to stay up next year. We will know before kick off next season whether we have done enough. Also, When MA took us up last time, he was sacked quickly when it became clear he didn't have the ability to manage at the top level. I hope SR have the same clarity to act quickly if that situation arises again. How bold will SR be, and do they realise the challenge that staying up presents? We will see. But tonight its time to party



21 May 2024 11:33:59
Silence is golden!

It seems us posters are most vociferous when things aren't going well.

So hopefully, no news is good news and a good omen for Sunday.

All I ask is if the boys don't triumph they die trying - make us proud.


1.) 22 May 2024 00:07:20
I'm pretty sure that's what I said Miller and you said "That's the least they should be doing" ?

As long as the match isn't over for us in the first half I'll be ok.

On a side note, I know I'm dreaming but I see Pochetino is free again. Why is impossible to hope he would come back and help rebuild again. I know it would never happen but would be amazing if he did, I'm pretty sure he'd be welcomed back with open arms.

2.) 22 May 2024 17:21:35
I always booked you as a football visionary Lesleee!

I make you right.

Hopefully it will be a day to remember for all the right reasons!

3.) 23 May 2024 14:00:24
Hi All, I’m quiet about Sunday because I really don’t have a clue as to the outcome. Leeds could be their swashbuckling best or freeze on the day. Saints could play through them and rip them apart. Personally I think the result will depend on how many risks we take playing out from the back. Our midfield is far superior to theirs and I think our forwards will cause them problems, let’s hope we don’t cause ourselves any problems.

4.) 23 May 2024 20:35:43
I feel the same .
we could be totally in control of the game, and in one moment if schoolboy-football madness, we could make an awful pass at the back . and Leeds score.
I never thought I’d say it, but definitely feel more comfortable with McCarthy in goal.
Is always looking for a forward pass, knows (most of the time) when to play it long or outside .

Fraser was wasted in the semi, playing left wing back.
Spent the whole game covering for the marauding Jack stephens!
We have the players to win on Sunday .
KWP needs to play right back . he needs to play 4 across the back and stop playing JS for the sake of it. but he’s made him Captain so he’s not getting dropped . H-B and Bednerek with two conventional wing backs .
Adams and Armstrong play well together .
Fraser one wing .
let the fun begin



17 May 2024 12:29:29
Please God, we can replicate what Leeds achieved last night.

Spurred on by a highly charged and partisan crowd they were on it from the get go.

Hunger and desire to burn, they played with a conviction and belief which was a sight to behold. Always on the front foot and moving the ball quickly.

If only we can take a leaf out of their book!

Enjoy this evening if you can!




12 May 2024 09:01:27

Me, never!

Enjoy it if you can


1.) 12 May 2024 11:36:42
We should win over 2 legs but a lot depends on how our defence deals with the pressure and a volatile West Brom crowd. If we’re patient we will get several chances and we must put at least one in the back of the net.

2.) 12 May 2024 12:49:37
Trouble is 2408, nobody ever got rich betting on ‘shoulds’ in football lol!

The difference IMO will be the team who convert their chances with greatest efficiency. Oh, and doesn’t gift the opposition thinking they’re Man City playing out from the back.

3.) 12 May 2024 14:58:33
We are soooooo slow at moving the ball forward .
WBA playing at speed .
We have given the ball away in dangerous positions. at least 3 times in 35 minutes …
We need to be way more positive and stop this messing around with it .
If WBA score we will struggle .

Perhaps RM will change things at half time mmmmm

4.) 12 May 2024 15:17:38
You’re right - no pace and no purpose - I would bring Frazer or Sulemana ASAP

5.) 12 May 2024 16:24:44
Please don’t play Jack Stephens - he did his best to give them a goal. Need to be braver (not RM bravery) and move the ball quickly




Millertime!'s rumour replies


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23 Jul 2024 21:26:34
Thanks for the intel 2408 - as soon as you hear O’Riley and or Ramsdale is in town please let us know!




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22 Jun 2024 16:24:43
It’s also worth remembering that he is not close to being good enough at this level. There are similarities here with Walcott - they both flatter to deceive, they both try to look busy chasing down blind alleys and both have outsize egos.

Ringwood is nearer to Bournemouth isn’t it?!




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19 Jun 2024 16:34:53
Well all I can say DC is if your source is on the money, this season is going to be long and arduous.

I get (and agree) the value of Lallana having a swan song but he is (or was) different quality.

I also see mileage in Ings returning - proven PL scorer and an upgrade on Adams.

I’m not bothered that they both left under a cloud - what matters is can they play a part in keeping us up.

But Redmond - seriously?

I will thank you though DC for preparing me for the shock news if or when it happens!




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19 Jun 2024 12:53:27
I sincerely hope you are winding us all up with this one!

He would be towards the very bottom of my list of returning ex-Saints. Hell, I’d rather have Ricky Lambert back!




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27 Apr 2024 19:31:37
The reality is we are more likely to be involved in a relegation battle next season than a promotion battle.

When the players return to their parent clubs and others leave, we will have the look and feel of a League 1 outfit.

There is no leadership on the pitch, no bravery and no guile. Our possession based football is pointless and next season every other team will know how to set up against us.

We had a golden opportunity this season and unless there’s a miraculous turnaround, we’ve blown it.

To hear Right Moron claiming he’s tired and his mum is worried about him is incredulous. It’s totally embarrassing and if the board don’t take the logical step of sacking him, then shame on them.

Almost past caring now - how bad is that?





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25 Jul 2024 09:06:34
I think I am the only one who rates Sulemana - not so much for what he has done but for the potential he has - blistering speed and some trickery.

I hear you say no end product but I don’t think he’s been given a fair chance - a run of games. He’s had minutes here and there.

I think he will achieve more than Edozie (who I also like) but time will tell.

Jack Clarke though would be a big addition to the squad.




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23 Jul 2024 09:29:27
I think the slow and laboured version reflects the tempo of Martin’s preferred style of play!




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06 Jul 2024 10:26:15
As someone famously said, “you win nothing with kids” - I suppose it’s where you set your sights. Some may say 4th bottom or better is ‘winning’ from a Saints perspective.

As others have said, it is the GK situation which is most concerning. If we are to have a younger defensive unit, we need an experience figure of authority between the posts - that isn’t Baz (yet) and McCarthy would seem to be a step backwards.

It’s looking less likely that we will be holding onto KWP but his valuation (£20M) seems far too low.

Let’s get busy…




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05 Jul 2024 18:46:32
Good post SaintThat etc ….
And the previous posts.
I think it’s going to be very interesting window between now and 30 Aug.




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03 Jul 2024 16:56:51
Hi SaintGGsy,

Can’t argue with your analysis of the squad and where we need bolstering.

That led me to think about what is the harder challenge - is it building a squad capable of staying up in the PL or is it assembling a squad capable of getting promoted to the PL?

Obviously, we achieved the latter but would it be harder to finish 4th bottom (or better) in PL, than 4th top in Championship.

From the incomings, as I see it, we are not getting much with successful PL experience. Taylor has, but in a team (Burnley) which got relegated. Lallana is very experienced but will spend most of the season either on the bench or in the medical room.

So we are hoping to strike it lucky with players coming from Peterborough, Swansea and Millwall. It’s great if it works, but if it doesn’t?

It’s too early to be cynical, but what odds on Martin seeing his contract out?
