25 Nov 2023 17:02:27
I honestly thought RM had learnt a lesson about sitting back in the second half. I was wrong ?

1.) 25 Nov 2023
25 Nov 2023 17:08:24
It’s almost like he reverts to type …
We should be coming out the second half and absolutely going for it, attacking at Speed, and with width…
But nope, he wants to play his tippy Tappy football!

2.) 25 Nov 2023
25 Nov 2023 22:15:31
With Leeds and Ipswich dropping points, this was a big missed opportunity to go third and close the gap in second. Frustrating.

That said, my early predictions were Saints 8th after 15 games, 6th after 30 and 4th at season end, so we are still in the mix.

3.) 26 Nov 2023
26 Nov 2023 02:46:05
After recent team improvements fresulting from RM’s”on the job learning” (and useful advice probably gleaned from several posters) it is a severe body blow not being able to account for a lowly positioned team forced to make 5 changes from their last game.Saints performance emphasises the gap in experience and guile between RM and the likes of Carlos Corberan (WBA) ;Daniel Farke (Leeds Utd) and aa few other Championship Managers who may qualify for the “play offs”with a distinct advantage over us on a neutral ground should we qualify.

4.) 26 Nov 2023
26 Nov 2023 14:28:44
St John
You are absolutely spot on, good managers learn from mistakes, learn from others, listen to and learn from players, they grow as a person and develop their technical and tactical know how.
I’ve watched so many games over the last few years, where minor tweaks by opposing mangers, have completely changed the game.
Martin has always been an average manager, if anything taking clubs backwards.
So many points gained in the 90+ period. Many have lauded this as fantastic, but we should have put those games to bed much earlier. Finally it’s caught up with us.
Ralph was a similar person, it didn’t matter if we were playing bottom of the league or top, he played the same tactics. a must win game was 5 at the back with one up front.
Martin should be saying, this team has injuries, non a bad run, let’s do this. let’s go for a big win and reduce increase our +ve goal difference!
But nope, he’s possession obsessed …

5.) 26 Nov 2023
26 Nov 2023 19:57:48
I’ve kept quiet lately because I disagreed with the popular view that we had turned the corner.

Sure, results have been mostly good and we’ve had some good fortune along the way. But, and it’s a big but, I’ve not seen much of a change in tempo or ambition on the pitch to suggest we’re learnt very much.

If anything our league position belies our performances, not that I’m complaining. It’s just infuriating that with a little more courage we would be neck and neck with Leicester, not 11 points adrift.

If we can get home wins against Bristol City and Cardiff then 7 points out of 9 would be a decent haul post the latest tedious international break.

There are reasons to be cheerful but I’m glad I’m not the only one not lighting up the cigar yet.