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28 May 2024 19:26:48
Allegedly we are doing what we do best and getting another player from the Scottish premthat looks like a reallly good player.

Matt O'Riley

I think others teams want him too but he's done pretty good in the scottish prem and he could be a good signing to boost the midfiled




07 May 2024 20:20:44
Apparently according the Southampton Echo or something like that.

Broja wants to leave Chelsea. This could be a decent signing maybe ue was pretty good for us and we are in desperate need of a striker than can well 'strike'.

Imo I think a loan to buy or something would be worth it. We can see if he's good as he hasn't got much game time.

What's your opinion tho?

Southampton echo may not be reputable source honestly idk but want to talk about it regardless.




25 Feb 2023 17:00:42
That's game we are going back to the championship and hopes were high after beating Chelsea.





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28 Apr 2024 11:45:07
I'm going to apologise to the people here. I'm genuinely sorry for actually hoping we could win the championship and secure autos. I completely forgot that a deluded manager who thinks a 5-0 loss is 'unlucky'or let alone have a team have 0 shots on target and say we played well is managing a team that is slowly dying.

I cannot fathom RM's stupidity at this point. He needs to manage the team not sit and watch from the sidelines. Ik he has a lot on his plate with Swansea suing him because he broke some contract or something. But he needs to perform. We aren't a championship team. We should be prem level. We need a rebuild start getting players that can consistently perform we don't have players that really have consistency.

At this point I think Millertime are any one of you should be the manager as you would do something not just sit around and downplay how bad we are doing.

Personally, I given up this season. Leeds will be going up unless they bottle it because we suck under pressure. An example being the Cardiff game that was a crucial game to get autos and we lost.


1.) 29 Apr 2024 08:31:00
Apologies for what mate? It is our job to have some belief and push the team on, as well as give a reality check too. It makes it more fun when there is something to play for.

Automatic was a long shot but if we kept up our good form, won the big games and got some luck there was a 10% chance. Unfortunately we got worse and the top 3 turned it around.

I am hoping the recent slump is a blip. They are young men and have seen two close friends get serious injuries, are tired after a long season, frustrated at missing out on automatic promotion and know they will be saying goodbye to some team mates.

The slump could continue or like earlier in the season, we could beat Leeds and then go on a run. Let's hope for the latter. COYR!



26 Apr 2024 10:37:11
Guys instead of looking at our actual team look at the youth team we won 9-0 which is ironic to say the least but this shows something doesn't it? Ik it's a young league they play in but if they are scoring 9 and the actual 1st team isn't getting a shot on target something is drastically wrong




16 Apr 2024 21:56:42
Looks like we played well, 3-0 an important win that does put us in contention for an automatic promotion if we beat all the other teams we have left.


1.) 16 Apr 2024 23:56:16
I want to know who shot Buffoono
Currently about 10,000 suspects!

2.) 17 Apr 2024 16:59:17
I owe whoever did a beer, that injury might just save our season.

Though I'd rather they shot McCarthy as well as he's just as much a donkey ?. Lumley is the best of the current bad bunch we've got at the moment.



15 Apr 2024 01:52:17
Today is the game that matters. There's no time for this pointless possession. We need to win this to have a chance to go into the automatic promotion spots.

The fact that we vs Leeds and Leicester aswell if we beat them we could get 2nd and dare I say 1st if Ipswich bottle it.

I'm dreaming rn but I agree we probably will finish 4th in the end but still there is hope a late 2nd place or even title charge could happen


1.) 16 Apr 2024 21:54:45
Bizarre .
we finally didn’t mess around with it at the back …
Che on fire . I think I’m his only fan!
Great performance .

2.) 16 Apr 2024 23:02:26
Well that’s put the cat amongst the pigeons.

The enforced GK change might not be such a bad thing - Baz has been out of touch recently and guilty of reckless messing around with the ball. Wish him well in recovery and hopefully his confidence will return.

Let’s buckle up and enjoy the ride!



13 Apr 2024 17:09:14
This is actually biblical,

I can't believe that this win and Leeds and Leicester lesson losses has put us back in some sort of a fight.

Since we vs them in our games we need to beat them. And we could get autos and if Ipswich continue a poor form and we win all our games that could actually win the championship.

But call me delusional I probably am


1.) 14 Apr 2024 12:50:25
An Exodus from the championship would be nice!

The below scenario is very optimistic and would take a lot of luck but it is plausible.

Ipswich. 96. (2W 1D)
Saints. 94 (4W 1D)
Leicester 93. (1W 2D 1L)
Leeds. 92. (1W 2D)

That said, whenever I say top 2 is possible we fall down the places and whenever I say the gap is too large we usually go up the table, so I am going to stick with 4th!




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05 Jul 2024 18:27:11
Spot on SaintThatAKickInTheHead, We've signed THB with a clause in the loan if we got promoted so he should be on our team. So he should be on your team I believe. But everything you said I hope it happens. Boosting our wingers maybe selling Kalameeden Getting Philogene and maybe Clarke would be nice for the wings and Alcaraz could play as a Striker and we get O'Riley or we could find a good striker like Mikauztude but he could be like James Rodriguez hopefully if we do sign him (unlikely) he can be good and not flop after a good international performance.




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04 Jul 2024 11:23:22
I agree with your potential signings SaintGGsy. I think Mikakuatde (butchered spelling my bad) will be a good striker for us pacy and can finish which is what we need right now as we aren't finishing goals enough and we concede hence why we finished 4th in the Championship. So Mika would be a good Striker for us Personally for the wings I would say Philogene he plays at hull and is attracting interest from Ipswich and Crystal Palace. I think swooping him for our wings would be a good idea.

I would try keep ABK as he is still young and he can improve unless a club offers big money for him so maybe a loan and alcaraz the same.

I agree Matt o' riley would be good for midfield and alledgly we are trying to get McTominay too so hopefully if we can get these players our team can look strong.

Obv the keeper is a must change IMO, Ik Mccarthy can have good days but we need a good keeper and there are so many keepers that play in UEFA competions that are in relatively less known leagues and grabbing one keeper of one of those teams can significantly boost us from relegation to possible midfield- low top 10. I remember with a strong team we can make it to like the semi finals of the FA up so hopefully we can do that again maybe even make the final and win but hey I'm probably delusional




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02 Jun 2024 15:04:09
This could be Matt O'Riley could be a good signing. He already has a previous relationship with Martin and is overall a good midfielder and could be our 'ward-Prowse' I don't think he's is as good at free kicks but he sure is helpful in creating chances.




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27 Apr 2024 20:15:51
I'll be the first to admit I was deluded. VERY deluded to say Southampton could've done a miracle a hail Mary you could say and come to win the championship. Well look how that went. Loosing streak. I genuinely thought we had a huge opportunity. Maybe the team lost it maybe I'm just dumb.

Looking forward, I'm not even going to hope we'll get out the championship through playoffs because we probably won't if we play pointless possession.




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26 Apr 2024 10:31:31
What kind of manager is available and will join a championship team.

I mean Tuchel could turn us around as he is definitely a premier league manager not a championship one but why would he join us lol.

Any other managers?
