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07 Nov 2022 14:01:16
Why are we looking at Luton Town's manager? Go and get Steven Gerrard and/or bring in someone who the players will respect! We r running out of time to save us from the drop! Need a manager who can attract top players despite our position! COYRs more proactive and less reactive stuff please!


1.) 07 Nov 2022 21:45:17
Yes a good manager and two or three top players needed,at least one attacker and a good midfielder.pref 2
If we are to stay we need to spend on good players to save us.
It should never have come to this,the failure to buy a striker in the summer is unforgivable,every saints fan knew what we needed,




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02 Sep 2023 13:41:25
Holgate needs to f*** off back to Everton, he is awful! Can't believe what I am watching, an absolute sh&t show.


1.) 02 Sep 2023 14:45:33
Honeymoon well and truly over….

Sunderland’s game plan simple - break quickly in transition when Saints give the ball away.

And therein lies the problem - we are predictable to defend against.

What drives me mad is that most of our team prefer to walk with the ball and make a 5 yard pass rather than run and beat a player. We are one pace and yet what’s frustrating is that we have the players who can play with pace and intensity.

From today it seems clear that Smallbone and Downes cannot play together - they get in each other’s way and are too slow. We have more offensive options for sure.

Manning was as awful as ever and I was shocked at how poor Holgate was.

Time to bring Sulemana into the team.



13 May 2023 14:25:43
BBC Sport just put out line up for today:

Onuachu on left of midfield 4 with Alcaraz and Walcott up top, I suppose he can swing in some crosses from the flank after using his pace or ridiculously long stride to go past fullbacks and Charly and Theo can use their onbvious height advantages to nod them in all day long!This is why Selles is not going to manager next season, i know we are down but, the mind boggles, probably bring Bazunu on up front in second half and Myrtle the tea-lady as midfield general!

Please SR, I hope you have a plan for our next manager, better than the last two planks!




25 Feb 2023 17:47:56
Well done Sports Republic, u well and truly f.d us over with that incompetent muppet Jones, wasted all those games and now it is going to take a miracle for us to stay up! Can't see us getting more than 2 points from our next 4 league games, embarrassing from a Saints fan's perspective. Feel sorry for Selles as he has next to no chance of keeping us up. He should've got the job instead of that bumbling moron. Thanks a bunch, can't believe what's happened to my beloved club!


1.) 25 Feb 2023 18:46:59
JWP was missing in action today? I was watching the game on steaming and i didn’t even notice him being on the pitch. We are definitely not using the big guy properly. His scoring record before us was something like 16 goals in 13 starts! We aren’t getting balls to him at all.
Leeds we’re up for it today, their fans are top drawer, so fair play to them!

2.) 25 Feb 2023 22:20:25
To be honest Rich, free kicks aside (world class) the rest of his play is bang average. His attacking threat is poor and I cannot remember last time I saw him beat a player.

If, and I repeat if, we beat Leicester next week, most of us would have taken 6 out of 9 points before the Chelsea game.

Maybe I’m clutching at straws, but a win next week gives us a slim chance.

3.) 25 Feb 2023 22:40:59
You and I are almost on the ‘same
Page’ . JWP slows our play down . if it wasn’t for his free kicks, he would serve no purpose. Can we really have someone in the team that is almost like the +1 at weddings . there to make up the numbers.

4.) 25 Feb 2023 22:41:59
Beat a player and JWP in the same sentence .

5.) 26 Feb 2023 13:07:02
I hate saying this but unfortunately I think that defeat to Leeds will be absolutely devastating for team moral. I can't seeing us staying up. It confuses me why we buy a lamppost sized striker but don't play to his strengths.

He is never going to score the way we play. I also think Sulimanna would be better used on the left wing. I feel for the first time that I think we are down.

I like that the new owners have spent money but for me there have been to many mistakes made. To many youngsters purchased and not enough experienced players. Ralph should have been sacked way long before he actually was.

And Nathan Jones was to huge a gamble to make at the time whilst being in relegation. Now making Sellas the manager till the end of the season for me is still wrong. Look at Leeds, they have got in a manager with premiership experience and they have now climbed out of the relegation zone

6.) 27 Feb 2023 00:38:02
Saint Ben
I think the point is, when you buy a player with a great scoring record, surely you look in detail at how and where he scores from!
Because for sure, as you’ve said, we are not utilising him properly . he’s not even getting any service .

7.) 27 Feb 2023 06:59:39
Considering Bednarek’s performance history with Saints (excluding Chelsea game) it’s very surprising that Caleta-Car (who appears far more organised and stable)is not selected to partner Bella-Kotchap OR Salisu,.KWP definitely improved the Left Back position and whilst AMN did ok Liveratore was sadly missed.Maybe Alcatraz, Lavia and Diallo would add mobility to the central midfield with Che Adams,Sulamana and eitherEdozie or Adam Armstrong up front.Onuachu is a work in progress and not EPL standard at present (a SUB Peter Crouch)A s light glimmer of HOPE remains!

8.) 01 Mar 2023 06:38:09
It was refreshing to read that at least one journo has recognised that playing Elyounoussi each week has contributed very little and is a major factor in Saints demise (among certain others).Don’t lose sight of the fact that he alone accounts for 10%of our team.He is definitely one for an upgrade.It would be criminal to pay him 600 pounds weekly let alone a reported 60 thousand pounds weekly! He may be a very nice individual but I’m afraid football wise he doesn’t cut it within the Premier League.



14 Feb 2023 23:13:15
SR - get ure cheque book out and get Gallardo in, his record is unreal (16 trophies at River Plate), Argentinians like a good defence too, sort our shower of sh@#e and get the boys playing for the shirt! I see Diallonis sad for Jones.course he is as he knows he isn't going to start now, Elyanoussi needs to never pull on the red and white on again! Board took too long to listen to fans about Jones so listen now, while we still have a slither of hope! COYRs


1.) 15 Feb 2023 00:55:12
Saints Marshe on …. Good headline but that’s all it is.

If you replace a flat tyre with a flat tyre you’re not going to get very far.

2.) 15 Feb 2023 01:28:05
Post by the fat Saint . spot on . the likes of Diallo and Ely went from fringe players under Ralph to starters since? Both not EPL standard!
As for the potential replacement in Marshe .I liken SFC decision making to buying a car!
Do you pay good money for a working model with service history. or do you save money by buying a non runner with dubious service history!
SFC seemed to be going for the second option!

Just so I understand … saints are considering a manager that has been sacked by a team, battling relegation, haven’t won for ages .
nooooo I must stop drinking and having these nightmares

3.) 15 Feb 2023 07:33:38
Strange that critics of Jesse Marsch’s record seem to overlook the fact that it appears to eclipse that of a certain Ralph HASSENHUTTL before joining Southampton FC?

4.) 15 Feb 2023 14:39:06
Deal off?



11 Feb 2023 16:55:35
SURELY.Jones has to go now if we are to try and stay up! He is a joke, get Gerrard in, I'd even rake Big Sam at this point! Someone save us!


1.) 11 Feb 2023 17:11:37
Almost feels like the players who were 1-0 up contrived to lose it so he gets the boot. The football was good first half. How did we lose that and not even get a point? Where was Duje? Have they fallen out big time? Yes Jones must be removed immediately




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18 Jul 2024 00:15:23
Not bad, but i'd sack off Manning, just not good enough and stick Fraser in there, replace Stephens with Wood and not sure on Brereton Diaz fitting into RMs system, but decent enough. Maybe we should try and poach Mikhautadze or Schranz, both had good Euros for lesser teams. Downes.signing of the season and for £18m bargain mush!




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24 Sep 2023 22:42:43
Shippie54 - couldn't agree more, Potter keeps turning down jobs everywhere, i reckon he would snap up the Saints job in a heart beat.maybe he's waiting for the call to come and rescue us, being an ex-Saint! I reckon RM has until end of October (maybe less), if we lose next 2 he may well be out on his arse! We just don't look capable of winning a raffle let alone a football match!




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23 Sep 2023 18:29:50
I know we're onky 8 games in, but we don't even look like a team that was in the Premier League last season. Holgate is hopeless, robbed for first goal, we just don't look like a team that wants it enough. RM appears to have his favourites (Manning, Smallbone, Edozie) but we have better players sitting on the bench for 60 mins each game and there's no plan b!




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19 Sep 2023 20:42:02
Agree, why are we leaving our potential match winners on the bench too, Sulemana and Alcaraz, flair and will at least try something different. Sorry to say Smallbone is just not a general, yes he had a god spell at Stoke.but my Nan would've looked good in that Stoke side. Manning is pony, Fraser not exactly an upgrade on anything we already have either. Our bench tonight apart from Charly and The Kamal is average with nothing to suggest we will change the game with subs! I thought after Sheffield Wednesday game, RM might actually do some good but sadly he looks like another Jones in the making!
