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01 Jan 2024 10:32:29
Happy New Year everybody! It has been a pleasure posting with you. As an expat that does not get to see many games, it is great to hear what is going on from those closer to the action.

Reading some rumours about strikers and wingers coming in.

@Eds, any rumours with substance?

{Ed002's Note - Fabio Carvalho (AM/LW) He has no clear future at Liverpool, certainly in the short-term so a loan to perhaps Southampton or Leicester would be best for all. Liverpool would also consider him as a player they could let go in any part exchange transaction.}

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02 Jan 2024 09:17:28
Thank you Ed002.

Hearing we are in the market for at least 1 striker e.g. Ings and/or Biovski and an AM or winger e.g Carvalho or Diallo. Is this abou right?

{Ed002's Note - Yes but much will depend on the summer and if promotion is achieved.}

24 Dec 2023 17:00:51
Well done and another win the only downside this week is the Ross Stewart situation, I just hope that we don't buy another striker in a panic, one I would quite like is Baily Cadamatari who is a young lad but shows a lot of potential

Agree4 Disagree2

19 Dec 2023 10:48:55
Jan rumours suggesting we could see
KWP out and Ben Johnson in
Che out and Ings in?

Would you take that scenario?

Agree3 Disagree3

30 Nov 2023 09:00:40
Where was Ross Stewart tonight not even on the bench, have we bought another dud and if so do we go again in the transfer window, as for the game our lack of a second goal left us vulnerable as previously, whilst our league position is good it could be so much better if we had won games rather than draw ie Rotherham and Huddersfield, if we do go again in the window who will leave to make room in the squad

Agree6 Disagree2

11 Nov 2023 17:12:04
Got to give credit where credit is due, RM has turned things around and recent results have been superb. Still think we could and should put some opponents to the sword but if we continue this form we will be top 2 by February imo. Very pleased to be wrong in my previous posts.

Agree3 Disagree3

11 Nov 2023 21:52:55
Came here to say a very similar thing. Our next ‘tough’ game is the reverse of this fixture in February. Till then I don’t think we play a team in the top half. In this league we will slip up somewhere along the line but what a month or so.

Reflecting now on our losing run, in perspective they don’t look so shocking. Boro hadn’t won a game but are now mid table, Leicester and Ipswich are first and second, and the only real shocker is the Sunderland game which I still can’t fathom, and maybe that took a few games to come back from.

Maybe we all overreacted a little. Some more clean sheets would be nice, but ultimately losing on two long away trips and at home to the top two aren’t anything to be too ashamed of, and we now seem to have a settled and organised lineup. Also excellent to see Stewart on the pitch. Way things are going we might be able to offload Adams to a struggling PL club in January for too much money and invest wisely.

I’d like to think we can now go on a 20+ game unbeaten run but the championship doesn’t work that way, though shoring up a top 6 spot whilst keeping the top 2 within arms reach would be a nice place to be come the new year.

Go the saints! I’m actually enjoying supporting this team for the first time in about 7 years ?

12 Nov 2023 00:36:15
Blimey. home after a night out to come here and post . and you two have beaten me to it.
We seem to be doing what the best teams do, win when not evening playing our best.
RM has actually adjusted his playing style and tactics, not a lot, but just enough to stop us getting caught out so much.
We are definitely moving the ball quicker, and that holy grail . get it in the box quicker!
I am loving the atmosphere, the vibe, the excitement . the winning!

12 Nov 2023 11:29:24
All of which goes to prove RM actually does follow our posts and listens to our constructive criticisms - obviously!

12 Nov 2023 12:06:48
For someone so stubborn, just maybe he came on here, read our posts and thought, ‘well if my way is so good, why haven’t I had any success’ .
he hasn’t abandoned his way completely, but the possession stays yesterday, showed a huge change in tactics. Ie we didn’t have 80% possession and the same number of shots as the opponent.

But as I’ve said, all the successful teams win even when not playing their best, and grind out wins .

It’s been a very long time since I’ve enjoyed watching saints and believing we are going to win!

07 Oct 2023 22:19:58
Another reality check!

So after a reasonably sound performance at Stoke (hardly brilliant as RM stated), we mess up again and don`t get an easy 3 points today.

Good start but, as so often, the longer the game goes on the more we lose the initiative. All this possession football is supposed to tire the opposition out but they still looked full of running to me.

First substitutions added very little and inevitable mistake at back is punished. Waste of time (again) bringing on those game changers Mara and Aribo,

Shame we could not swap goalkeepers with Rotherham and as many are saying Manning HAS to go. Give Bree a chance and switch KWP as I suspect a 19 year old Larios if ever fit is not going to solve LB problem. Crying shame Perraud not kept.

Quarter of the season gone. we are 9 points above the bottom 3. we are 11 points behind the top 2.

If we can`t beat Rotherham we will need to look down the table rather than up. Difficult away games coming after international break.

Agree5 Disagree5

26 Sep 2023 07:59:51
Southampton FC Logo

SaintGGsy has written an article entitled, Are Southampton Now Stuck In The Lower Leagues?

Agree7 Disagree5

26 Sep 2023 15:16:34
Great article and agree with all your sentiments.

26 Sep 2023 19:16:13
Spot on

26 Sep 2023 22:50:03
Brilliant piece SaintGGsy. You should send it the Board undersigned by all of us!

Looking back, I was recalling the number of Saints fans who were heralding relegation claiming it would be the perfect opportunity to regroup and reset.

I argued with them at the time, because I never settle for second best but half thought they may have a point. As it transpires, it couldn’t have turned out worse. That’s not ‘I told you so’ - it just goes to show how utterly frustrated we all are.

We stick it on RM - rightly so - but the players should be ashamed of their lack of football intelligence and complete lack of courage. I wouldn’t want any of them in the trenches with me.

27 Sep 2023 00:37:28
The one thing that shouts from
Your article is FRUSTRATION with a capital F . how is it that a few devoted fans on a forum, can see through the problems with so much ease.
I have never known a team so predictable, so easy to beat .
and yes, where did it all come from. Out last great manager was RK. Ralph arrived with hints of success, but once it was obvious that Plan A was his only plan, we still stuck with him, hoping that plan B would arrive .

So our frustration is born from the fact that the inadequacies of Saints is obvious to us laypeople…

So we have to ask, are SR deliberately destroying our club? Because they are doing a very good job of destroying us!
We have in Martin, one of the worst managers I’ve ever known in any sport.
His belief in himself is surreal! He has simply turned Southampton football club into Swansea, in a matter of weeks, to satisfy his desire to prove to the world that he is right!
We have to ask ourselves, why would SR want to destroy our club?
We signed some great players last year, but just like this season, we are satisfied in keeping them on the bench… What is that about, it makes no sense

I am this post with a Phew . it’s a real and bizarre situation…

Please, someone save Southampton

27 Sep 2023 18:45:44
Thanks all, and thanks Ed’s for making that into a special article thingy, looks very cool!

What a sad spot we’re in. No hope for Saturday either, but at least it’ll be available to see live for the country to witness our embarrassment!

{Ed033's Note - Thanks, terrible period for Southampton supporters.

28 Sep 2023 11:40:20
I love to hear your take on all this. I think it’s accepted that Martin has a rather higher opinion of himself than previous and current results suggest.
I am all for giving an up and coming manager a chance, but all of us can see that he isn’t anything like that. He plays his way and absolutely will not divert from that path, even not picking some of our best players, for what seems that they don’t fit in with his way.
Teams playing us have found us out, so much so that they all seem to be loving every bit about playing us.
I can’t imagine the team talk lasts long .
‘Get at them, they will lose the ball in their half and we’ll be in’ …

The whole of Swansea was warning us that he took them from a play off team to a middle table team .
So what are we doing? Why have we taken him on?
He is awful, and he has an excuse for everything .
It’s never his tactics

{Ed001's Note - it was clearly a mistake to appoint him, he is one of those that talks about himself so well in interviews it will impress business people. But that is a totally different environment from football and what works there is almost certainly not going to work in football. For starters football is about teamwork, so someone who is so full of their own self-importance and talks themselves up is absolutely the wrong choice to manage. The manager needs to be all about the team and not I but we. In business that is not the same. That is where they are going wrong, as are so many clubs.

The problem is that they are recruiting via an interview method and so will likely repeat the mistake again and again until they bin it. The way to move forward is to identify the guy who has the attributes you want and headhunt him at the top end. Interviewing is only going to get you a limited choice and almost entirely is going to leave you with the dregs to pick from rather than the cream.}

28 Sep 2023 14:31:54
Thank you Ed for that insightful reply. It didn’t enter my head for one minute that any football club would use this interview process!
He certainly is an ‘I’ person. As you say, he must interview well, saying all the right things.

While I’m hugely grateful for the reply, it kind of makes things worse. Surely some research into his managerial history, statistics, media coverage, players opinions, would have meant he never even got an interview, let alone the job.

He can’t and won’t last, despite some ramblings today from the club saying they and the players fully support Martin …

Thank you again and thank you for putting up with our incessant moaning.

{Ed001's Note - no worries mate and it is common practice to use an interview practice to hire the head coach/manager/director of football but it makes little sense to me. Any club as high up as the EFL or EPL has a wealth of lower league and non-league staff to cherry pick. Why not head hunt the best person for the job, rather than limit your options to who is available to interview for the role?}

25 Sep 2023 20:44:39
Onaucha, 2 games 2 goals 2 assists. Hmm. in a league commensurate to uk championship! Opinions plz?

Agree5 Disagree5

25 Sep 2023 21:20:03
There is definitely something amiss with our club. It seems so rigid - we must play this way or else - why can’t we bomb down the wings, cross it, big Paul with headers or knockdowns. There are reasons Sulemana and Alcaraz aren’t playing, why our best players aren’t performing.

I don’t know what it is, and I don’t think it’s just down to Martin, but problems feel deeper than we are seeing on the field right now, and it’s worrying.

{Ed033's Note - Thanks for the long post, i'll put it up tomorrow morning as an article

26 Sep 2023 06:51:12
Completely agree.

If we had a manager who could adapt our style to our team's strength, wouldn't they be rubbing their hands with glee. You have the tallest player in the league in Onuachu, fastest player in Sulemana, proven scorers in Adams and Tella.

I would be running the channels and crossing it to tall Paul. Playing long to hold it up or flick it on. Counter attacking with Alcaraz, Sulemana and Tella.

28 Sep 2023 14:33:07
We played him on the wing in one of the few games he played ….
he is a goalscorer and is proving the club wrong.
Balls into the box . simple .

19 Sep 2023 22:19:04
No more excuses, no more hand wringing - wake up and smell the coffee.

We are a League 1 outfit in terms of personnel, leadership and management.

Tonight was pathetic - worse than pathetic. Clueless, rudderless and hopeless.

Change the manager now - send the squad to a Royal Marine boot camp and inject some serious bottle.

As fans we are too accepting of the so called Southampton way - it works until it doesn't.

Call out the lack of effort, courage and commitment - and don't search for excuse.

That egotistical idiot (RM) is in the same bracket as Jones. He must go now.

Agree7 Disagree5

20 Sep 2023 07:35:07
Never thought I would say this but Neil Warnock has his last game in charge of Huddersfield tonight, and has says he's not retiring yet. He ticks all the boxes you have mentioned.

20 Sep 2023 08:33:36
Ipswich should have scored 3 goals before halftime! Their goalkeeper made 1 decent save all game, we were at home! 3 things to say: if our players were so poor why have other clubs clambered to sign so many. If the players we brought in are so poor why do they have international caps and high market values. The only common denominator is the arrival of SR and the sudden serious demise of the clubs standing. RM has been found out after 3 games, if we play to the strengths of the squad we will be there or thereabouts but bizarrely it appears that is not what SR seem to want.

20 Sep 2023 10:04:32
I felt the same last season, that SR were wanting us relegated. We were buying players but not playing them.
The absolute waffle that comes out of Martins mouth is incredible. going on about last season and how much it was affecting the players.
No . you’re wanting them to play a style of football they are not accustomed to, they enjoy playing, that is working.
You’ve been found out .
At a mid-table team fair enough, you win some and lose sum, so your awful tactics are lost in the noise.
But we are a team that should be pushing for promotion.
This has to end, Martin absolutely sees nothing wrong in his tactics and is blaming it on anything else

20 Sep 2023 10:06:45
I completely understand your frustration. Getting beaten is one thing but tamely losing with a whimper is another.

I do believe we have a squad worthy of playoffs. The value of our squad on transfermarket and the bettings odds at the end of the transfer window both put us in the top 3.

What we have is a squad not playing to its potential - lacking leadership, lacking confidence and lacking a style of play.

I believe this is fixable but we need to make the changes required.

1. Stop playing out from the back 24/7. Especially for young players, lacking confidence, this is a risk.
2. Protect our back line from counter attacks, e.g. with Charles and Downes as holding midfielders or not pushing too many people forward with slow build ups.
3. THB needs Bednarek or Stephens alongside him.
4. Manning needs to step up or step aside. In time, Larios may take his place. Until then KWP could switch to the left and Stephens, Holgate or Bree could play at RB.
5. Alcaraz, Edozie, Sulemana and Adams could be an exciting front 4 on the break (plus AA, Stu and Stewart), we need to play to their strengths and mix up our play.
6. I understand players are disappointed after last year and not getting moves etc. We need to draw a line, move on and not indulge it. The best way to play in the PL is to get promoted.
7. If we need to get Al Pacino in to give a proper speech, let’s have a whip round!

I expected us to be languishing around 10th after the first 10 games. Saints and RM seem to start slowly but now is the time for a change of plan and attitude.

Over the next sets of ten we should be aiming to move up to 7th, then 5th, then 3rd and be knocking on the door of the top 2 or having the momentum going in to the playoffs.

This should be our goal and it is obtainable IF we make the changes required and players coming back like Larios, Stewart and Sulemena make an impact. Balls in your court RM and SR.

20 Sep 2023 11:24:25
That moron is white ring on now about scar tissue! We have 9 players in the squad who didn’t play a minute for the club last season… Htf can they have scar tissue! RM really is showing to be dillusional in his after match assessments ?

20 Sep 2023 13:09:37
First time 2408 I’ve felt you are absolutely seething!

Shame we can’t post links / photos, because the script of his post match interview, was absolute crap. As you said 2408, basically saying our performances have been affected by last season.
He can’t last ., not only is he a clown, his football is dire and predictable, with our best players on the bench.
As for manning . awful!

{Ed033's Note - You can post links and photos on here by pasting in the urls in to the regular posting forms along with your text (i.e. and or pasting in the url location of the photo (i.e.

Also you can upload photos on your device onto here by using the upload form on the Sightings tab at the top of the page

21 Sep 2023 09:39:23
Please read Wes Burns and Jo Tessems comments that the Southern Echo have now printed. Sums up our playing style, predictably and our fate if things don’t change. I don’t think I can recall an article from a player who has just played against an opposition that mocks a style of play. The article informs all future opponents how to beat us, well done RM!

21 Sep 2023 08:42:41
Thank you Ed

18 Sep 2023 12:39:36
I heard on the grapevine this morning that Ross Stewart probably won't be ready for first team action until December. Even if he comes in then and scores a shed load of goals I fear that it will be far too late to get us to the playoffs.

Agree5 Disagree5

18 Sep 2023 14:07:18
Lots of rumours abounded about him failing his medical . and then the comments slating those rumours …

19 Sep 2023 08:31:21
If he had failed the medical then he would not be insured and Sunderland would not have accepted a deal with future add on payment’s, Saints would have to make full payment there and then. As I understand the FA rules, all players must be insured to play professional football in England.


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